
El meu vessant artístic va començar amb una llicència d'estudis a Anglaterra. Allà vaig elaborar una pàgina web en anglès amb propostes didàctiques sobre l'educació visual i plàstica en anglès.

Després d'uns anys d'implementació d'aquestes unitats didàctiques, he començat a elaborar i organitzar uns tallers de plàstica en angles com són: taller d'escultura, de dibuix, de pintura i manualitats amb paper. La idea principal és muntar tallers monogràfics amb una durada mínima de 10 sessions i per alumnes de cicle mitja o cicle superior.

dijous, 26 de febrer del 2015

Drawing from observation

 The task is not to replicate a drawing, but to create a drawing from observing the real world. Focusing and making open questions to enrich children works, i.e..
What material is made of?
What shape/ size it's got?
 How big the different parts are?
Then, children have to draw in front of something,  it can be a landscape, buildings or simply objects in the classroom. A good idea can be to teach students not to use rubber all the time and use the pencil in a smooth way at the beginning, drawing over and over until they get what they want. (Usually children rub more than draw)

1st activity is:

-  to draw their shoe/trainer or boot. They don't have to paint them but they can use tones and textures using graffiti and chalk pencils.

2nd activity is:

- Draw the school. Students leave the classroom to observe and draw the school. They choose what to draw and they do it directly. They can't use rubber at the beginning and they just add line, tone and texture to the drawing. They don't correct or finish it after that. They do sketches of the school.


3rd activity is:

- Draw objects made of different materials: wood, glass, ceramics,metal...They choose what to draw, minimum of two things and place them in the paper. They are not going to paint, so they can use graffiti, chalk and pencils.Not rubber! (Difficult, for children, to understand but  a practical technique to learn).

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