
El meu vessant artístic va començar amb una llicència d'estudis a Anglaterra. Allà vaig elaborar una pàgina web en anglès amb propostes didàctiques sobre l'educació visual i plàstica en anglès.

Després d'uns anys d'implementació d'aquestes unitats didàctiques, he començat a elaborar i organitzar uns tallers de plàstica en angles com són: taller d'escultura, de dibuix, de pintura i manualitats amb paper. La idea principal és muntar tallers monogràfics amb una durada mínima de 10 sessions i per alumnes de cicle mitja o cicle superior.

divendres, 27 de febrer del 2015


It's the basic way to develop shape. Drawing has a wonderful quality of immediacy of something that is happening now.
Drawing is a skill. Drawing like photography can be done artistically and creatively, but not all drawing is art and not all drawing is creative. The ability to draw is actually acquired by practice.
Drawing is not merely a medium of creative planning. Drawing on paper can also be a vital, expressive and creative end product.
Teaching observation and expressive drawing is a basic part of teaching creativity.
Art is much more than drawing, but there is probably nothing more basic than drawing.
The activities will include drawing from observation, from memories and experience and from imagination.

·         To express through means of shapes
·         To communicate ideas
·         To develop creativity
·         To develop the ability to use different qualities of line to express feelings, moods
·         To develop the ability to observe and record them accurately
·         To develop in every child the natural talent and ideas that makes every artist unique.
·         To develop a critical capacity for appreciation.


·          Design their name, using models of letters; it can be used for a sketchbook, for a front page for their art works or simply for a picture.

·          Portraits, working on shapes, sizes, parts of the face, expressions and feelings. They can do a portrait (draw someone else lively or using pictures), self-portrait (drawing themselves using mirrors) and manga faces (Japanese style). Children must see the proportions of the head, that the face is oval and symmetrical, the eyes are in the centre and the nose in half way between the eyes and the chin. The mouth is half-way between nose and chin. The top of the ears are level with the eyes and the bottom level with the base of the nose. They can start drawing ovals, eyes, mouth, noses…They can be ask as homework to bring cuttings of faces from magazines. Finally they can look at portraits of artists.

·         Drawing from observation. The task is not to replicate a drawing, but to create a drawing from observing the real world. Focusing and making open questions to enrich children works, i.e.. What material is made of? What shape/ size it's got?  How big the different parts are? Then children have to draw in front of something, it can be a landscape, buildings or simply objects in the classroom. A good idea cab be to teach students not to use rubber all the time and use the pencil in a smooth way at the beginning, drawing over and over until they get what they want. (Usually children rub more than draw)

·         Drawing from memory, to develop techniques of observation, making them to think on the whole before going on details. Giving time to observe something showing details of the object, asking questions about it (Same questions as in observation), and finally moving or taking off, they have to do the drawing. The end product can be a motive of discussion.

·         Drawing from imagination, to make a free and creative representation of reality, to make art compositions autonomously. They can imagine an ideal house, school, vehicle, bedroom….

·         Human movements, this is one of the hardest subjects to draw. It is necessary to have some basic knowledge of anatomy. They can work on sport people or they can make poses, standing, walking, laying, and sitting…Using different elements for representing figures in movement.

·         Drawing natural Landscape, to explode various techniques for drawing natural shapes. They can draw fields, plants and flowers, houses or buildings. Start with the bases of background, middle and foreground.

·         Drawing Animals, real or cartoons…Children love animals, they can start with head or body and continuing adding parts and details.

Ø  Before starting drawing they must be known the differences between pencils, hard or soft.
Ø  How to make lines without rulers.
Ø  How to avoid using too much the rubber;
Ø  The differences between line, tone and texture.
Ø   A good idea can be to tell them what they are going to do the following session in order to bring pictures or materials for the class.

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