
El meu vessant artístic va començar amb una llicència d'estudis a Anglaterra. Allà vaig elaborar una pàgina web en anglès amb propostes didàctiques sobre l'educació visual i plàstica en anglès.

Després d'uns anys d'implementació d'aquestes unitats didàctiques, he començat a elaborar i organitzar uns tallers de plàstica en angles com són: taller d'escultura, de dibuix, de pintura i manualitats amb paper. La idea principal és muntar tallers monogràfics amb una durada mínima de 10 sessions i per alumnes de cicle mitja o cicle superior.

dilluns, 6 d’abril del 2015

diumenge, 5 d’abril del 2015

Year 4: Visual Art

Planning the year

Art in English
4th level
Year: 2015-2016
Teacher: Anna Esteban / Teresa Bosch
The goal of this year is not only to teach art theory and techniques through English, but also encourage and develop critical and creative thinking to help the pupils learn about the world in which they live and become lifelong learners.
·         Introduce basic art skills and vocabulary
·         Develop pupils’ Language skills
·         Promote creativity and self-expression.
The activities will be presented using simple instructions, giving vocabulary support and providing opportunities to use the new Language.
Children continue to develop as Young artists exploring the 4 content areas of art:
1.      Perception and response: Pupils will develop the ability to perceive, interpret and respond to ideas, experiences and the environment through visual arts.
2.      Historical, cultural and social context: Children will explore ways in which art communicates and expresses ideas, thoughts and feelings.
3.      Creative expression and production: Students will be able to use the elements of art and principles of design in a creative and personal way through the use of a variety of art materials and tools.
4.      Aesthetics and criticism:  Children will develop the ability and vocabulary to analyse and evaluate their own artwork and the others. They will learn new skills to help them explore and reflect on art by identifying, classifying, comparing, contrasting, judging and interpreting meanings in Works of art.

P.D. Part of this information has been taken from Macmillan, Art 4th level

1.   Drawing:
2.    Painting:
  •      The Colour theory: Primary and secondary colours (mixing them and do tonalities
  •        Cool and Warm colours, they choose one and do an art project based on an artist.
  •        Work on an artist style (Monet) see the impressionism, use pastel colours.
3.    Sculpture:
  •  Work with clay: Unreal animals, cooperative work.
  •  Papier maché, build an aerostatic globes.
  •   With white clay, do geometrical figures ( cub, sphere, cone, prism…)

4.    Crafts with paper:

Students will work on activities from each group every term.

divendres, 27 de febrer del 2015

Finder or Viewfinder

Very useful to focus on part of the work the students want to do the sketch. It can be a card with a hole in the middle or corners of paper 


Warm ups

Warm ups for Art

  •   Chants, songs and counters (to get groups or do something)
  •   Write a long Word and they have to say words using these letters (CONSTELLATIONS)
  •   Words starting with B, D, A
  • Chain words, one person says a word and the following one has to say another starting with  the latest letter, rain- nurse- emotions...
  •   Use the recorder and interview them or they interview you
  •   Build a sentence, star: Today..., Yesterday...., We’re going.....Each student has to add a word and build  a sentence.
  •   Game; Guess who: description of a student,  or things
  •   Use power-points, You Tube or webs with information useful for the activity to do.
  •   Tell a story,
  •   Mime the activities to do, the teacher starts and the students who guesses, continues.
  •  Talk about: elicit prior knowledge about materials, artist, techniques or about their previous artwork.
  • Observation of the displays
  •   Brain gym
  •   Listen to music and ask what does it suggest?
  •   Give strips of paper with the steps of the activity to guess the order


English Workshops in " Visual and Artistic Education in English".
Workshops are a good   alternative of work. Working during a small period of time can give flexibility to schools, teachers and subjects.
These workshops can be used independently and they can last minimum of 10 sessions, depending on the school organization and the language work to be done.
 I've planned 4 workshops:



Crafts with paper can be Accessible, Educational and Safe. There are Inexpensive and original craft projects using paper and other supplies for kids. Children start out doing a bit of paper folding and origami and then they start cutting a bit....and have fun creating…


·         To enjoy the creative process of doing things.
·         To develop a critical capacity for appreciation personal and others work.
·         To appreciate their contribution in a collaborative project.
·         To have confidence in one’s own artistic production.


·         Origami, Origami is the Japanese name for the art of paper folding. They can follow instructions to build things, they can share their knowledge of it or they can follow the steps through a page from internet. They must be taught the 2 basic ways of folding paper, the base to start any work.

·         Tessalating, The word "Tessera" in Latin means a small stone cube. They were used to make mosaics in Roman Buildings. Now it is used to refer to pictures or tiles, mostly in form of animals or life forms, which covers the surface in a symmetrical way without overlapping or leaving gaps.
Tessellations must be based on a shape. Parallelograms can be tessellated. Students have to realize that every part needed to make up the full picture is contained in the shape chosen. Moreover, they can see and appreciate the work done by artists as Escher and Nakamura.
They can start following a step by step process and then create their own tessellation work.

·         Working with photos, Students will need some images, photos or postcards. These material need to be cut up, using scissors or a craft knife. There are many ways in which the pieces that you cut can be reassembled. Photographs can be cut into squares, straight strips or curves.
Curved strips can be shape into a fan and this technique is very effective with photos of figures in action.

·         Photomontage, It is about exploring the patterns you can make with repeated shapes. Also it can be a cooperative work and make a picture using cutting images. They can see the work of artists like Grete Stern.

·          Collage, It is the way to represent and express through the study and experiment of shape and colour using a range of paper and glue together. It can be a work based  in colours or tonalities or it can be based on shapes.

·          Mosaics, is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of coloured paper, glass, stone, or other materials. It may be a technique of decorative art.

·          Weaving, shapes or letters. Children will investigate patterns from different times and cultures using different materials


Painting it's the basic way to express with colour.
Painting is an essential activity in developing children's art.
Colour is a vital part of our everyday lives. It helps us to describe who we are and how we feel. It attracts our attention and gives out information.
The artist can be: Van Gogh, Seurat i Klim, the 3 artists with techniques and styles very different. All artists are suitable to work from any point of  view, life, technique, styles,art works....
There‘s plenty of information in different formats:
·         Books, pictures, photographs, stories, ,
·         Examples of children’ s work
·         Web pages and links to the artists.

There can be use different paintings: poster, acrylic, water colours, oil pastels, pencil colours, felt-tip pens, chalk…


  • To analyse the elements of the work and their relationship
  • To learn vocabulary related to the works and life of the  artist/ artists.
  • To explore colour by developing paintings.
  • To develop the ability to use colour in design.
  • To encourage students to experiment with style.
  • Art appreciation of great artists


·         Work on each artist style. Identifying the style and techniques of each artist. Eg:Van Gogh used strokes, Seurat used points and Klim used lots of shapes. Through power point or prints Students will do a sketch picture about each artist in their style. They can use a finder or viewfinder to focus on part of the work they want to do the sketch.

·         Work on information about the artist, their works, their life, style..., learning about their personal and professional life. Doing language activities as mind maps, crosswords, memories…

·         Mixing styles, if you choose 2 or 3. Once they decided what to do they can divided the paper in two, half or diagonal, and start applying paint in one style and finish doing in another style.

·         Group work, cooperative work. In an A3 art paper, they divide into 4 parts and they have to decide what and how to work, accepting style or styles, colours…

·         Colour theory, Children can start using primary colours; then, they mix them to get secondary and intermediate colours. They will see differences between warm and cool colours, complimentary and harmonious colour, Tints and Shades…They can create their own pattern using 3, 4 or 5 colours.
They will combine both theory and practice.